Colorado Rabbit Hunting


Rabbit Hunting 2025

Rabbit hunting is an affordable and fun way to get outside and hunt. With multiple ways to hunt it is most likely just right for you. Rabbit hunting is great for the veteran hunter who wants to relive the game that started it all or a person that needs to get started.


Rabbit Hunting Rates

Rabbit Hunting Rates

Season Dates: October 1 through end of February. Rabbit hunting in Colorado has a 10 per species bag limit and we do all of our guided hunts on private land. We will provide our clients with in field transportation, our pricing for our hunts is below 

  • 1/2 day (3-5 hours)
  • 1x1 service (1 guide, 1 hunter) $300
  • 1x2 service (1 guide, 2 hunters) $450
  • Both include 1 of night lodging, 

Jackrabbits can be flushed and taken with a shotgun or long range rifle in. We also have cottontail rabbits. Cottontail rabbits are normally found around old homesteads and are active early in the morning.

Firearms: Anything, shotguns work great for close range but rim-fire rifles can also be effective. Center-fire rifles are great for jackrabbits as the rabbits will often run several hundred yards before stopping to present a shot.

We will try to hunt in a manner that works well with you and your firearm.

Hunter Responsibilities

Hunter Responsibilities

  • Travel
  • Colorado small game license. Hunter education Card required and must be carried while hunting unless verified at a division office.
  • HIP #, free, see license
  • weather appropriate clothing
  • firearms and ammunition. Expanding rifle ammo only.
  • food and drink;
  • Basic things to bring for a rabbit hunt
  • small to medium sized knife
  • medium-large cooler
  • 2 gallon freezer bags